Saturday, April 20, 2013

Gone Girl

Gone Girl

Gillian Flynn, 2012

Nick Dunne wakes up on his fifth anniversary to his wife, Amy, making crepes in the kitchen. After heading to work for a few hours, he comes home to find the house in disarray and his wife missing. As evidence begins to come to light that Amy may have been murdered, and Nick begins to look like the prime suspect, we see the story both from Nick's point of view and from diary entries of Amy's from before the day she disappeared. But was she murdered, abducted, or is there something else going on?

This was a really cool, really well-written mystery story. I had been meaning to read something by Gillian Flynn for a while, hearing good things about her since Sharp Objects, but just never got around to one of her books until now, but I'm really glad that I picked this one up. I never saw the twist coming, and I thought that both the build up and the aftermath were great fun to read about. I highly recommend this one to anyone who likes a good thriller.

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