Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Under the Dome

Under the Dome

Stephen King, 2009

Late one Saturday morning, with no warning and with no apparent reason, an invisible dome appeared over the town of Chester's Mill, Maine. Running into it was like hitting a brick wall, and getting too close to it played havoc with electronic devices. Where it came from and why it's there is a mystery, but the biggest question for the people in the town is how long will it last? While a few citizens, led by former military investigator Dale Barbara, try to figure out how to survive and bring down the Dome, another man is determined to increase the power he has over the town, while trying to keep his own secrets from coming to light. Because even in a small town like Chester's Mill, there are secrets... and people you don't want to be trapped with....

I have been reading books in June, I swear...

I can't think of the last Stephen King book that I really loved. I have felt that his more recent books have been a little sub-par, especially compared to the great books he has written previously (The Shining, The Stand, etc.). He's still one of my favorite authors, though, so I've never given up on him. And after finishing this one, I'm so glad I didn't. 

Under the Dome is probably the best book I've read this year, and definitely one of my favorite King books. Even at a daunting 1000+ pages (although it didn't really seem to daunting while reading it). It had great characters - lovable ones and truly horrible ones - and insanely compelling drama. I was dying to know what was going to happen next. And I felt the reveal about where the Dome came from was interesting and (in a supernatural kind of way) completely believable. A great book all around. 

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